- الإهدائات >> BackShadow الي ابو فهد : وحشتنا يا عمدة ابوفهد الي : كل عام وانتم الي الله اقرب وعن النار ابعد شهركم مبارك تقبل الله منا ومنكم الصيام والقيام وصالح الأعمال والله لكم وحشه ومن القلب دعوة صادقة أن يحفظكم ويسعدكم اينما كنتم ابوفهد الي : ابشركم انه سيتم الإبقاء على الدرر مفتوحة ولن تغلق إن شاء الله اتمنى تواجد من يستطيع التواجد وطرح مواضيع ولو للقرأة دون مشاركات مثل خواطر او معلومات عامة او تحقيقات وتقارير إعلامية الجوري الي I miss you all : اتمنى من الله ان يكون جميع في افضل حال وفي إتم صحه وعافية ابوفهد الي الجوري : تم ارسال كلمة السر اليك ابوفهد الي نبض العلم : تم ارسال كلمة السر لك ابوفهد الي : تم ارسال كلمات سر جديدة لكما امل ان اراكم هنا ابوفهد الي الأحبة : *نجـ سهيل ـم*, ألنشمي, ملك العالم, أحمد السعيد, BackShadow, الأصيـــــــــل, الدعم الفني*, الوفيه, القلب الدافىء, الكونكورد, ايفا مون, حياتي ألم, جنان نور .... ربي يسعدكم بالدارين كما اسعدتمني بتواجدكم واملى بالله أن يحضر البقية ابوفهد الي : من يريد التواصل معى شخصيا يرسل رسالة على ايميل الدرر سوف تصلني ابوفهد الي : اهلا بكم من جديد في واحتكم الغالية اتمنى زيارة الجميع للواحة ومن يريد شياء منها يحمله لديه لانها ستغلق بعد عام كما هو في الإعلان اتمنى ان الجميع بخير
إضافه إهداء  

آخـــر الــمــواضــيــع

النتائج 1 إلى 6 من 6

الموضوع: UNDER ONE SMALL STAR _ _Wisawa Szymborska _ _

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2002
    رقم العضوية : 161

    UNDER ONE SMALL STAR _ _Wisawa Szymborska _ _


    I'm not into poetry.

    But this lady,(my friend) is making me think almost of everything in this life, in a different way.

    I owe this lady some of the relief I feel (!)

    The Nobel prize winner Wisawa Szymborska,
    (فيسوافا شيمبوريسكا)
    from Poland.

    And this is the one I'm using in my signature.

    It called.[/align]


    My apologies to chance for calling it necessity.
    My apologies to necessity if I'm mistaken, after all.
    Please, don't be angry, happiness, that I take you as my due.

    May my dead be patient with the way my memories fade.

    My apologies to time for all the world I overlook each second.

    My apologies to past loves for thinking that the lates is the first.

    Frogive me, open wounds, for pricking my finger.

    I apologize for my record of minutes to those who cry from the depths.

    I apologize to those who wait in railway stations for being asleep today at five a.m.

    Pardon me, hounded hope, for laughing from time to time.

    Pardon me, deserts, that I don't rush to you bearing a spoonful of water.

    And you, falcon, unchanging year after year, always in the same cage,

    your gaze always fixed on the same point in space,

    forgive me, even if it turns out you were stuffed.

    My apologies to the felled tree for the table's four legs.

    My apologies to great questions for small answers.

    Truth, please don't pay me much attention.

    Dignity, please be magnanimous.

    Bear with me, O mystery of existence, as I pluck the occasional thread from your train.

    Soul, don't take offence that I've only got you now and then.

    My apologies to everything that I can't be everywhere at once.

    My apologies to everyone that I can't be each woman and each man.

    I know I won't be justified as long as I live,

    since I myself stand in my own way.

    Don't bear me ill will, speech, that I borrow weighty words,

    then labour heavily so that they may seem light

    You are wrong to think that (I) don't take it personally
    After all, it's about (ME) and how (I) look at it

  2. #2
    الصورة الرمزية MoStWaNtEd
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jan 2004
    رقم العضوية : 1952
    الاقامة : جده
    المشاركات : 912
    هواياتى : الاستماع الى الاغاني ومشاهدة الافلام، التصوير، القراءة
    My SMS : I look at the mirror I only see me, "as if the world only created for me"
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 130


    (Wisawa Szymborska) <=== is that how her name write?!!

    LOL what a hard name 2 wrote!

    anyway i'll read it later and respond u




    هناك جزء ضئيل جدا من العالم أستطيع أن أقول عنه منطقتي,

    وهذا الجزء الضئيل جدا هو جسدي, وهو الحيز الذي أشغله وأكونه,

    وليس في وسعي أن أكون في العالم إلا من خلال وجودي في صورة جسدية.

    ـ جـبريل مارسـل ـ

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل : May 2005
    رقم العضوية : 3392

    Salam sister Petals..

    I’m not into poetry myself, specially English poetry..

    But what’s nice about this poem is the twist of irony that puts a smile on your face when you’re reading it..

    In fact i find it depressing rather than relieving, I mean there is too much things we have to apologize to, and apology only comes from feeling guilty, and feeling guilty hurts..

    Anyway, it’s a matter of how we perceive things, or “it's about (ME) and how (I) look at it”..

    If you can post more poems for her, please do.


  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2002
    رقم العضوية : 161

    [align=left]Omar, you devil.

    You've heard me saying it out loud at home many times.

    And read it 2.

    كابد يا سر الوجود إني أستل الخيوط من بطانتك..

    نسيتها يا موووجرم..

    But you know, I'll love you even more, if you brought me her poetries.

    Omar, I've looked for them on the net, and I found things are too good to be true.

    Omar, please, make her true.


    Bring her to me.


    Bring her to me.[/align]

  5. #5
    تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2002
    رقم العضوية : 161

    <<I’m not into poetry myself, specially English poetry..>>

    So, that makes us two.

    Though I can add, that I'm even a lazy arabic poetry reader.lol

    <<But what’s nice about this poem is the twist of irony that puts a smile on your face when you’re reading it..>>

    And amazed .

    <<In fact i find it depressing rather than relieving, I mean there is too much things we have to apologize to, and apology only comes from feeling guilty, and feeling guilty hurts..>>

    It's not apologizing as much as telling the whole world this's who I am, I can be happy in wars,
    It's rather ( I don't Care ) thing, and more about (moving on).

    " I am what I am, and I am what not I am " Sartre.

    She have another one that called A "Thank You" Note"
    That is in the same path of Under One Small Star.
    I loved it so much.

    <<Anyway, it’s a matter of how we perceive things, or “it's about (ME) and how (I) look at it”..>>

    I couldn't be more agree with you.


    Oh, yes

    What we see actually is a reflection of us on those things.

    As also the saying

    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

    It's actually in my eye rather than in what I'm seeing.

    <<If you can post more poems for her, please do.>>

    Ha, your wish is my PLEASURE.

    But tell me, do you want them in Arabic or English.(?)

    I do have both, though more in English.

    I've asked Mostwanted, to bring me her poetries from Jordan,since I couldn't find it here in SA (!)

    I wanted to post them in The Poem section here.

    For a start, here's the same one in Arabic:


    Thanks for glittering here.[/align]

  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل : May 2005
    رقم العضوية : 3392

    Salam Petals..

    It's not apologizing as much as telling the whole world this's who I am, I can be happy in wars, It's rather ( I don't Care ) thing, and more about (moving on).”

    Aha, now I get your point, so it makes sense now why you think the poem is relieving, good for you..

    “But tell me, do you want them in Arabic or English.(?)”

    I would prefer the English version, I found the Arabic one a bit boring.

    Thank you..


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