- الإهدائات >> BackShadow الي ابو فهد : وحشتنا يا عمدة ابوفهد الي : كل عام وانتم الي الله اقرب وعن النار ابعد شهركم مبارك تقبل الله منا ومنكم الصيام والقيام وصالح الأعمال والله لكم وحشه ومن القلب دعوة صادقة أن يحفظكم ويسعدكم اينما كنتم ابوفهد الي : ابشركم انه سيتم الإبقاء على الدرر مفتوحة ولن تغلق إن شاء الله اتمنى تواجد من يستطيع التواجد وطرح مواضيع ولو للقرأة دون مشاركات مثل خواطر او معلومات عامة او تحقيقات وتقارير إعلامية الجوري الي I miss you all : اتمنى من الله ان يكون جميع في افضل حال وفي إتم صحه وعافية ابوفهد الي الجوري : تم ارسال كلمة السر اليك ابوفهد الي نبض العلم : تم ارسال كلمة السر لك ابوفهد الي : تم ارسال كلمات سر جديدة لكما امل ان اراكم هنا ابوفهد الي الأحبة : *نجـ سهيل ـم*, ألنشمي, ملك العالم, أحمد السعيد, BackShadow, الأصيـــــــــل, الدعم الفني*, الوفيه, القلب الدافىء, الكونكورد, ايفا مون, حياتي ألم, جنان نور .... ربي يسعدكم بالدارين كما اسعدتمني بتواجدكم واملى بالله أن يحضر البقية ابوفهد الي : من يريد التواصل معى شخصيا يرسل رسالة على ايميل الدرر سوف تصلني ابوفهد الي : اهلا بكم من جديد في واحتكم الغالية اتمنى زيارة الجميع للواحة ومن يريد شياء منها يحمله لديه لانها ستغلق بعد عام كما هو في الإعلان اتمنى ان الجميع بخير
إضافه إهداء  

آخـــر الــمــواضــيــع

النتائج 1 إلى 13 من 13

الموضوع: Last 12 hours in Jesus' Life

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2004
    رقم العضوية : 2074
    الاقامة : Riyadh
    المشاركات : 64
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 21

    Last 12 hours in Jesus' Life

    I've seen (THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST) lately. That movie which is telling the story of crucifying Jesus by the Jews, for sure from Christian perspective

    The movie is showing the craftiness and the slyness of the Jews. They insisted on crucifying Jesus, even after they gave him a severe punishment. Christians believe that Jews are sly and betrayer and so do we
    Jews took legal action against Mel Gibson the Producer of the film

    This is in the Holy Quran…the personality of the Jew
    Allah Almighty said"…those Jews who incurred the Curse of Allah and His Wrath, and those of whom (some) He transformed into monkeys and swines…."Al-Maidah 60
    Jews in all ages are the same…….

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2002
    رقم العضوية : 161


    Hello again

    SeReNaDe <-- I've wrote it this time.lol

    It's a pleasure having you here again.

    Now to Passion Of The Christ.
    On my side, I've refused to see the movie, though it was with me for over a week...why?

    The reasons are actually listed here in a reply by me to a subject written by our dear,wonderful,kind and sweet friend that we miss so much, AlamaLL..

    You can find it here on the link below:


    But I don't mind sharing it here as an English version .lol

    I refused to see the movies coz :

    1- We shouldn't see any image figure to any prophet or a massenger by Allah, remember the great movie ( Al Resalah ) by Mustaffa Al Akkad?
    He didn't even bring any figure to AboBakir,Omar,Uthman, and still at the beginning the movie were criticized and banned in some countries for bringing Humzzah and others.

    2- The wrong story the movie is telling, we all know and believe for sure that Jesus is not dead and his appeariance later in life would proof that, as the Quraan has told us.

    This story is not like any other stories that r coming from Christian and Jews books, that our responds to them is we don't believe and don't disbelieve becoz we don't know whether they are true or not.

    No Jesus story in their books has been proofed to be wrong by Allah, so in the end the story is wrong.
    So what the movie is accusing Jews of is wrong.

    We've got into a trap, and it's our hatred,and anger we carry towards Jews or to specify to Israelis.

    Why does we need a completely wrong story to proof the cruel and mean Jews are?
    Isn't what they are doing towards Palestinians every day is a reasonable and an on going proof?

    Why do we need to use a wrong idea that means dealing with disbelieving what we've know in Islam.

    Tell me, u'd go to someone who's not Muslim,and argue bout Jews, their hatred towards Muslims and what r they doing.
    Now to proof it in away that he would understand, u'd say look what they've done to Jesus in Passion Of The Christ?!!


    And the way the movie is done, as they've said , is so great and tears dropping!
    So those who's have a lil faith would be even more attempt to believe it!

    Oh, I think I've said so much


    Be safe SeReNaDe, thanx for pulling me out here.

    And keep on shining.

    You are wrong to think that (I) don't take it personally
    After all, it's about (ME) and how (I) look at it

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2004
    رقم العضوية : 2074
    الاقامة : Riyadh
    المشاركات : 64
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 21

    Hey there
    in fact my subject was telling the same thing u did...actually i just wanted to say something...Jews & Christians they are our enemy..and i've talked about that in my first post here

    and if u asked me if i have seen Al Resalah ...that bad movie my answer is no

    coz i don't like Egyptian's movies....i see what hollywood makes...and this doesn't mean i believe them..or i admire them...i'm not a teenager fool boy....i passed that age safely

    and i don't think it's that great sin to see this movie....but i'm lookin' to the other side....of it....YOU GOT THE STORY FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH
    even if i know the truth from the depth of my heart....then...i can dispute...coz i knew the fake and the real story ..i believe in Allah..and Quran is from Allah..

    movies give you the history easier but don't count on them

    thx for ur reply...thx for ur try ..writing my name

    by the way.........i'm writing this...hardly...i could barely see the keyboards

  4. #4
    الصورة الرمزية MoStWaNtEd
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jan 2004
    رقم العضوية : 1952
    الاقامة : جده
    المشاركات : 912
    هواياتى : الاستماع الى الاغاني ومشاهدة الافلام، التصوير، القراءة
    My SMS : I look at the mirror I only see me, "as if the world only created for me"
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 130

    Hmm... hey nice subject u know i have it in my home and i just saw a few from it and tilling u the truth it's disgusting movie i've ever seen i just turn it off and and alot things in it contrary with our Islam .

    In other word BAD MOVIE




    هناك جزء ضئيل جدا من العالم أستطيع أن أقول عنه منطقتي,

    وهذا الجزء الضئيل جدا هو جسدي, وهو الحيز الذي أشغله وأكونه,

    وليس في وسعي أن أكون في العالم إلا من خلال وجودي في صورة جسدية.

    ـ جـبريل مارسـل ـ

  5. #5
    تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2002
    رقم العضوية : 161

    [ALIGN=CENTER]SeReNaDe I'll be back for you soon.
    Don't you think that I've forget you on this subject

    But I only wanted to say welcome back Mo0ony


  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2004
    رقم العضوية : 2074
    الاقامة : Riyadh
    المشاركات : 64
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 21

    Any time ma'am...........i'm waiting you with bells on!!!;)

  7. #7
    تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2002
    رقم العضوية : 161


    <<and if u asked me if i have seen Al Resalah ...that bad movie my answer is no
    coz i don't like Egyptian's movies....i see what hollywood makes...and this doesn't mean i believe them..or i admire them...i'm not a teenager fool boy....i passed that age safely>>

    So you value that movie, on the bad acting, as you valued POTC as a good movie concidering the good acting plus directing.

    I've seen Al Resalah in my early ages, when as a young girl don't value those movies in that term, only good story and bad story.
    Regardless whether the movie was bad or good, I love it, and still, it told a good respectable tears dropping story.

    Joy, and anger, I've read b4 that an American went to a movie rent shop, he found nothing special, so he decided to take Al-Resalah with him, he saw it and embraced Islam.
    A great value added to it, when a man who's used to see those block-busters movies, embraced Islam over one.

    Now I think also, there's an English version -with non Muslims- actors of the movie.
    Al-akkad, said that he used to bring the Arabian actors to do a seen,then bring the western actors to do the same one.

    There r many stories bout that movie, but I guess it's enough here.

    <<and i don't think it's that great sin to see this movie....but i'm lookin' to the other side....of it....YOU GOT THE STORY FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH
    even if i know the truth from the depth of my heart....then...i can dispute...coz i knew the fake and the real story ..i believe in Allah..and Quran is from Allah>>

    A fact, we intend to believe what we see more , how?
    When it become a habit,then silence is agreeing.

    1-If you -now- know the story, believe it's untrue in ur heart, then why quoting it on how BAD Jews are?
    It's not true, no matter how horrible the Jews were, still.

    2- Children, they intend to believe what they say more, I was totally surprised when my young bro asked me, whether Jesus were crossed or not, and he did learn the whole story from school!!!

    But still he need a verification, now i was there to tell the truth, and almost crossed him over that Q
    But now, I thought whether I have a 10 y.o kid, sees the movie, never asked and believed..

    That's some of many, on both hands..

    So I'll leave you now..

    It's great to have you here.

    Oh and I have another thing, I'll add it to ur other subject some how next week..So be ready to fight ;)


  8. #8
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2004
    رقم العضوية : 2074
    الاقامة : Riyadh
    المشاركات : 64
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 21

    كاتب الرسالة الأصلية : Petals

    [Oh and I have another thing, I'll add it to ur other subject some how next week..So be ready to fight ;)

    Other subject,,,somehow,,,,next week.....are you crossin' swords with me ma'am? |320|

    ok i'm waitin' u ...coming...riding your white horse , wearing ur armor..carrying ur pike...but i won't fight u ...i'll drop my sword..i'll take off my armor....if u wanna kill me do it right away....as a noble man..i can't fight a woman ;)


    i'm ready to exchange bouqutes of flowers....good luck girl

  9. #9
    الصورة الرمزية MoStWaNtEd
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jan 2004
    رقم العضوية : 1952
    الاقامة : جده
    المشاركات : 912
    هواياتى : الاستماع الى الاغاني ومشاهدة الافلام، التصوير، القراءة
    My SMS : I look at the mirror I only see me, "as if the world only created for me"
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 130

    hmmm.... girls war nice very nice i'm so intersting

    I'm with u Petals go 4 it i know u can do it lol

  10. #10
    تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2002
    رقم العضوية : 161


    What GIRLS ?!!!!!!!!



  11. #11
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2004
    رقم العضوية : 2074
    الاقامة : Riyadh
    المشاركات : 64
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 21

    some1 here is barking up the wrong tree.......MoStWaNtEd

    i'm not seenin' girls here......it's only petals;)

  12. #12
    الصورة الرمزية MoStWaNtEd
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jan 2004
    رقم العضوية : 1952
    الاقامة : جده
    المشاركات : 912
    هواياتى : الاستماع الى الاغاني ومشاهدة الافلام، التصوير، القراءة
    My SMS : I look at the mirror I only see me, "as if the world only created for me"
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 130


    sorry i'm really sorry i thought u ... man sometimes i get everything wrong stupid i'm

    again sorry


  13. #13
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2004
    رقم العضوية : 2074
    الاقامة : Riyadh
    المشاركات : 64
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 21

    Never mind....it's ok.....

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