[ALIGN=CENTER]Marhabaaaa everyone

did you thing about that???

I don,t think so


I'm Sorry...
For all the mean things I might have said.
I'm Sorry...
For all the things I did or didn't do.
I'm Sorry...
If I ever ignored you.
I'm Sorry...
If I ever made you feel bad or put you down.
I'm Sorry...
If I ever thought I was bigger or better than you.
I am Sorry...
For everything wrong I've ever done.
I Love You...
Don't ever forget that! Through bad times and good,
I'll always be here for you.

I'm writing this because what if tomorrow never comes?
What if you never get to say good-bye or give a BIG hug to the people you care about?

What if you never get to say I'm sorry or I love you?

Because what if tomorrow never comes?